
Showing posts from February, 2022

Unity Tutorial 04

 Unity Tutorial 04 While working on this weeks unity tutorial I managed to learn a small bit more about virtual reality but not that much more before Unity decided to give up and not work and from not being able to work on it any further. From working on it a small bit I did manage to learn about what arkore and arbit based apps work on and learning more about it each day as it goes on. Virtual Reality Unity


 Analysis While doing more research on my topic for the positive effects of gaming on mental health I used the three pass method on each document learning more about it after each pass. With the three pass method the first is to get a general idea the second to get the papers content and the third to understand it more in depth and detail. I used this on all three sources below and have been working on and collecting sources each week and adding it to it each week and hoping to write more about my topic in it each week.  The topics this week are getting more interesting and am looking forward to the weeks ahead adding to m topic. Matrix

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting  For this weeks beginner scripting I learned about IF statements and how it affects your code and the decisions that can be made. Unity

Tech Task

 Tech Task  For this week I made a collage of photos and worked on it on Fotor. Fotor

Unity Tutorial 03

 Unity Tutorial 03 For this weeks tutorial I moved onto Pokemon go and began with watching videos and learned more about  VR and other subjects. While with last weeks tutorial I ran into some issues by not being able to run it on my phone I was able to click play on the game and watch a figure play ping pong. With this week I learned about spatial computing which is when the computer knows about the space and awareness around it, I also learned the difference between MR and VR which is the VR is put onto a live video background on your phone while with MR which doesn't require a headset and so on. While trying to download the Vuforia Support I ran into some problems as I could not download it and would not work for me. I then moved on to the next section which was the setting up the Vuforia engine account which also didn't work and had to contact them about my login. While working on it further I managed to get the Vuforia fixed but ran into more problems such as actually gett...

Unity Tutorial 02

 Unity Tutorial 02 For this weeks tutorial some things that were simple enough was following the first few steps as I had no real problems with it and all worked out well in downloading it although it did take a long while to download. While I was working on it the instructions were simple and easy to follow and the only really difficulties that I ran into was the build and run section. While it was somewhat confusing working on the tutorial with certain aspects not working such as the build and run option while having the usb connected to my phone and laptop it did end up working out in the end as I wasn't able to get it working and was able to pass it off as a  hardware compatibility issue. While working on my unity tutorial and not having it working after my  build  and run section I then seen how I could not follow through with the rest  of the tasks which became more complicated and didn't work out for me then in the end. In this though I...

Reading 03

Reading 03 "doing" This week for the reading task we had to find readings for our sub topic so for me while my idea has changed since the last week I am now focused on the positive impacts games have on mental health. I then found three links to readings online and used the 3 pass method to these and then using the review matrix we did last week also.  With the first reading I used the 3 pass method and took the approach of Active Reading towards it as I looked at the author approach towards it and seen how he talks of the subject and gave it a quick glance over by reading the title and headings and so on. I then looked at the second read through by looking at the content of the paper and seeing at what the author has got to say about the subject. While for the third read through I found it quite difficult to do as by doing the first two read throughs I had started to agree with all the points the author has made and didn't feel like I had to question or challenge him in ...

Tech Task

 Tech Task For this weeks tech task I did a twitter tech tip in learning more about tweeting, hashtags as well as retweets which I know now a lot more about. Twitter Tech Task

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting In this weeks extra tasks I continued with doing the Beginning Scripting and learned about conventions and syntax. In this I learned something new such as with dots is an operator that can separate or access elements of a compound item which contains many elements. I learned more about indenting with code and how it works together. Conventions and Syntax

Tech Task

 Tech Task For this weeks tech task I edited the layout and design of my blog by adding a different font and adding in different colours to my blog as well as changing the colour of certain fonts making it look clean sharper and not looking like a plain blog. You can see below of some of the changes that I've made and hope to add in more in the coming weeks.

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting For week three of extra credit tasks I continued with the tech tasks and this week we learned about 'Variables and Functions'. With this I learned at how each has a different box and that there are two different parts to a variable such as the declaration and the initialisation of the variable. Then with functions I learned at how you get something in return and that you can also make your own return on it such as putting in your code result number = 2 for example. While I knew a bit about variables and functions I learned more today. Variables and Functions