Reading 03

Reading 03 "doing"

This week for the reading task we had to find readings for our sub topic so for me while my idea has changed since the last week I am now focused on the positive impacts games have on mental health. I then found three links to readings online and used the 3 pass method to these and then using the review matrix we did last week also. 
With the first reading I used the 3 pass method and took the approach of Active Reading towards it as I looked at the author approach towards it and seen how he talks of the subject and gave it a quick glance over by reading the title and headings and so on. I then looked at the second read through by looking at the content of the paper and seeing at what the author has got to say about the subject. While for the third read through I found it quite difficult to do as by doing the first two read throughs I had started to agree with all the points the author has made and didn't feel like I had to question or challenge him in any way. 

After the first reading I had already done the same to the next two using the 3 pass method and hadn't questioned the author as I was fully agreeing to them and their points which may make me biased in a sense and thought it difficult to question them as well. There were points made to how it can disadvantage your mental health but with the sources no points made about it were very good and I questioned why they were put in the reading whatsoever.
For the first document I managed to get through with all three pass methods while the other two I only managed to get to the first two and not the third.


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