Feedback Thoughts

 Feedback Thoughts

While reading the article 'A fixed mindset could be holding you back here's how to change it' in here I learned about how praising someone constantly can actually put them into a fixed mindset and they won't be able to achieve their full potential. In the article it even says "It turns out that's kind of backfired on us" meaning you think that'll work but really it doesn't. While talking about how people with a fixed mindset who take criticism usually blame it on a setback and look for excuses while then a growth mindset would say to themselves ok how can I improve and achieve what needs to be done.               'A fixed mindset could be holding you back here's how to change it' by Anna Kelsey Slug and Ann Arnold 26/6/2018

The second article that I chose it talks at how the critical voices in your head and at how this can effect you as if you don't believe in it then who else will. While reading the article I didn't know that if yo are echoing negative thoughts in your its more likely to increase chances of depression and I quote "isolate us from others". I also liked at how this can also effect people from getting good feedback but only taking the negatives from it.                                                                               'Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head' by Sabina Nawaz 5/12/2016

While reading these articles some aspects I hope to use in the future on receiving feedback and at how I can improve on it and make it better and its better to take the criticism and make the mistakes so then you won't make the same mistakes.


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