Game Idea Research

 Game Idea Research

Last week we thought about our own game ideas and wrote out brainstorms about each game idea that we had. For mine I had four ideas of thinking of doing but narrowed it down to my favourite idea which is a 3d stick person puzzle game. The main part of the game is that you've to solve how to get across to the next room, stage or section while only being allowed to use what's around you for example there's a drop between two rooms to get across you should look to put something down such as a plank of wood. This would be one of the game mechanics as the player is performing an action using tools such as on they keyboard they'd use the arrow keys to move the 3d stick person. Other game mechanics that id like to use is that the further the level you go that a timer starts and you must complete a certain task within the timeframe to get it done or else you must restart the section. I would also hope to use the keyboard to pick up items in the game such as using the keys D and P for drop and pickup.                                                              "Video Game Mechanics (Core, Primary, Secondary): Everything You Need To Know" by Dustin Tyler Date Unknown, Accessed on 15/10/2021. "Chapter 6: Mechanics" by Janaki Kumar and Mario Herger date Unknown, Accessed on 15/10/2021.


  1. hi Samuel carroll,
    very interesting idea of the game PUZZLE , but personally i wouldn't play those type of games it's too much thinking for me i always ignore those but hey if the game has nice visual illustration or nice character design might give it a try . the game mechanics seems to be not bad for the game. and the timing games scare me they give me faster heartbeats. really interesting overall can't wait to see it i wouldn't like to restart from scratch if I lose.

  2. Hi Samuel,
    This is actually a really cool idea and I feel these type of games aren't being made as much as of recent so this will be really cool to see how you end up making it. What if the player could find powers ups, well not really power ups but more like an item you walk into and as you said you have a time limit but if you pick up the item you get +20 seconds as an example. I also wonder how many levels you are planning to do.

  3. TAG Task: Hi Samuel I think your idea of a 3-D stick puzzle game is very interesting and something I personally have not seen before. I think it is very cool how you have to solve different puzzles to get into the next room I think that idea could be very addicting and sounds very easy to grasp meaning it can be widely accessible for many people to play I also think there is a big audience for puzzle games. For this idea I'm wondering did you consider adding a certain aesthetic to the game to add to the visual experience for the player. As suggestion would be to pick a theme of something that you're very interested in and run with that for the visuals of the game. Overall I think your idea is very good and I would definitely play it if I saw it as problem-solving games like this I think are very fun!


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