Unity Tutorial 02

 Unity Tutorial 02

While working on the Unity Tutorial week 2 we began by creating the horizontal axis and vertical axis so that we were able to move the vehicle in unity. When I began this I struggled an awful lot with it and wasn't working for me with the horizontal axis as my vehicle would not turn for me whenever I pressed play on unity. While putting in the CS for unity in the C# box it was simple to follow and easy to do and although I followed it step by step I still had problems with it and it would not work at times but eventually got it working and I ran into the same issues with the vertical axis as well. 

While this weeks Unity Tutorial was hard I believe that the first tutorial was easier and although it took longer it was more clearer and easier to understand than week two's. Im hoping now that I've gotten used to Unity and learned about it a lot more and that it'll be easier to use in the up and coming weeks as it reminds me of the first few weeks in web design in first year which was very difficult to do.


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