Game Decisions
Game Decisions
While reading the articles and video for week 7 readings I found it interesting in the first reading about how it takes time to learn new skills and at how like photoshop it takes 12 months for a basic level while this can be seen the same way in apps while in games you can become a lot better a lot sooner. It talks of how complex apps can be while with games you can lose a certain feature and it makes it a-lot simpler task at hand that must be complete and you find it easy to understand and can achieve it. This made me think a lot about myself playing games and using apps as when I played games I enjoy it and although it may frustrate me at times I learn and keep on playing while with apps I see that it not only takes a long time but you've to follow a boring video and for example photoshop in particular if your using that and its not working it'll takes ages for you to learn as your constantly getting frustrated at it.
While reading the second article i thought at the start that it was just gonna complain about gaming like so many other articles have in the past and at how its and for you but it talked about both the benefits and the negatives and I found it quite interesting as it talked about how many people played games and one quote I found really interesting is when it says "Children can use the gaming to escape from unpleasant truths and to compensate for their perceived disabilities and non-acceptance of their real life." this tells us its like a getaway for some people an escape for them to something better.
After watching the video for Week 7 reading I found it interesting on how they talked about the flow in game design. It talks of the flow channel and how if it is too easy it'll lead to boredom while ion its too hard it'll lead to anxiety and anger which I found really interesting so that it should be right in the middle creating a flow between the two.
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