Game Design Document

 Game Design Document

While working on my Game Design Document I have a clearer idea on my game and know exactly what I want to create and know what I want to do, as before I wasn't too sure about my idea but I enjoyed creating the Game Design Document and look forward to creating my game in Unity. I hope to learn more through the Unity tutorials and learn exactly what I need to do before I start my own game. Some ideas I had were adding elements into my game like dodging obstacles instead of jumping over and having to duck from threats and so on. I hope to add in a health bar in my game where you have five lives, in this then you can collect and eat food and reagin health throughout the game by doing this. Though when you lose you health it is game over. Below I've also drawn some concept art for my game such as the title and characters that I could try ad into the future:

Here there is a link to my Game Design Document:https: Game Design Document


  1. Hey Sam I really like the sound of your game it’s cool that you came up with a view characters and have funny names for them aswell hahah this game reminds me of something like super Mario or some adventure type game with a cartoon style.
    Will you have any enemies in your game or will it only be an obstacle dodging game and if so what type of obstacles are we talking about? I’m interested and look forward to seeing your game when it’s finished and hope to possibly even play it in the near future. Best of luck with it man.

  2. Hey Samuel,
    I agree that the game design document sets a clear idea instead of many vague ones. I suggest using YouTube tutorials too they can be useful too. I really like the drawings but I feel like importing similar assets to your idea as I had this issue. Is the first picture going to be the main menu?? Good luck with your project.


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