Unity Tutorial 06

 Unity Tutorial 06

While working on Unity Tutorial 06 I could not seem to open the animation previews at the start or through as I got yellow warnings from it though the other parts of unity worked itself and worked fine. Like the start I found it quite cool at how you could change the speed of your character and put it into a running speed and it worked quite well and enjoyed working on it. I feel like from working on this weeks tutorial that it is more life like and real and reminds me of Temple Run more and more.

I really enjoyed adding in the effects like the explosion and the other parts such as mud while running and at how the play into one another like when you jump over the obstacles the mud stops which had to be put through by editing our c# scripts in the Player Controller. I enjoyed adding an audio source and adding music to the game and making it feel more realistic and playable. While working on the final piece of the unity tutorial I found it quite difficult to do and work on the bugs and so on.


  1. Hi sam from reading through this it was very interesting to get another person point of view, I can sense that you really enjoy reading working with unity tutorial 06 but for me I also enjoyed doing it because I was learning new stuff but I can lie sometimes it was just get too difficult for me because of little mistakes


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