Week 9 Reading and Writing

 Week 9 Reading and Writing

Looking back on all my overall reading blog posts I can say overall I rather enjoyed learning about new topics and materials like for an example I had no idea what a Game Design Document was before I started this module and what it was used for but now I know what its used for and exactly how its used and what its function is. Other new topics that I learned were that of a Growth Mindset and how it worked and really liked learning of how it works. I also enjoyed using blogger as well as I could put into my own words of what I thought of everything that I've done and at how I can add in my own style of writing and thoughts and can learn from mistakes and take on advice from classmates such as with my Game Project blogs where people would tell me on what I can improve on at how I could have done something better which I appreciate greatly. I also learned of Game Design, Game Elements, Games MDA, Game Decisions and Game Fun. All these have really helped with my Game project and learned lots from the reading tasks that have helped greatly. The biggest accomplishment that I believe I achieved with this class is keeping up to date with it and not falling behind the workload and hope to keep up to date from now onto the end of the semester and look forward to semester 2 in the future.

Favourite Image

Above you can see my favourite Image from throughout my reading blog posts this is my favourite image as its unique from the other images with the different colours in it and is like a game in a sense as it has all these individual elements to it to make one big element together like a finished game.

Looking forward to the rest of the module there are some parts that I am looking forward to and I believe I will enjoy. This will be such things as the finished game, while I struggled with Unity at the start of the module and found it difficult to do while now I've gotten the hang of it and know what I'm doing. I look forward to finishing the game and being able to achieve a fully developed and functioning game. I also look forward to seeing everybody else's finished game and being able to watch them. I also look forward to develop to develop new skills and being able to use them for the future and hopefully in another module down the road. I also look forward to more of the reading documents such as like before I mentioned the Growth Mindset and being able to learn more unique theory's and so on, which I've never heard before and being able to incorporate this into my work and to use them that helps me achieve better.


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