Unity Tutorial 01
Unity Tutorial 01
While reading all three options for unity tutorial one I decided to go for option two which was 'How Google Cardboard Brought VR to the Masses'. This interested me and I thought that id go for something different and I didn't know a lot about VR in general and learned that are different kinds like AR and MR. I found it very interesting on how it worked and while I had heard of the likes of Playstation VR and so on I never knew of the likes of the effects it can have and how google really helped the launch of it putting it a step forward. Some new things I learned from it like the effects of motion sickness and how this can be caused with the IMU working against your ears and so on creating motion sickness. All together was really interesting and am looking forward to learning more about it in each one as the weeks go on. While next week ill be looking at how it's gone from Google Cardboard to Google Earth and can see some similarities in both while not putting them together before reading on this topic.
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