Growth Mindset

 Growth Mindset 

While reading about growth mindset I had never heard of it before and had never heard of Professor Carol Dweck either and what really interested me about the topic growth mindset was the effects that it had on children and what they could accomplish by it. The most intriguing story was the children's reactions of getting harder math work and that some said they liked the challenge and seemed to look forward to it and completing it. I also enjoyed the story about the school in Chicago and when they got their tests back they had 'not yet' written on them and this meant that they weren't fully there just yet but were close and it was written by their teacher to progress on further and was their to motivate them. When I was listening to the Ted talk video by Carol Dweck it really showed the difference between a person with a fixed mindset and a person with a growth mindset which I found really interesting and how it this can be changed early on in someones life.

 I seen the growth mindset in my life as while I was going to the gym I may not be able to lift a certain weight and I think I'm not there yet but give me a couple of weeks and I'll try again and be able to do it then, the same can be seen with playing a video game on a boss level as you may lose to that level numerous times. Then you'll either think I'm bad at the game and I'll never pass or that your not at that level before and need to practice that bit more and you will get passed it eventually. Im interested to learn more about this and look forward to learning more as the semester goes on and using a growth mindset more from now on starting with my new modules such as Visual Fundamental Designs which I'm looking forward to and other modules that I'm a little worried about like The Group Project. I really enjoyed learning about this and hope to look into it more and learn from it.






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