
Showing posts from March, 2022

Doing and Reading Week 9

 Doing and Reading Week 9 This week I refined my work further after receiving comments on work such as grammar and spelling mistakes and also after being told that my topic was somewhat reflective. I went and corrected these mistakes and made it little to no reflection brought in my topic. Once I had corrected all these mistakes and had gone over my intro and conclusion and made sure everything was up to par with the topic. I then went and reflected two other peoples topic and added in comments to help with feedback. Feedback Comment

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting In the second part of beginner scripting this week I worked on Translate and Rotate and the Transform Functions in code. Unity

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting  In this week we worked on Activating Game Objects and got them complete. Unity

Unity Tutorial 07

 Unity Tutorial 07 For this weeks Unity Tutorial we worked on and watched videos for 'VR User Interface'. In this we first set up the canvas and began to use that we then moved onto the Google Fonts where we got to choose our own font and set it up and use it for our games and also got to edit it and make it usable by TextMesh Pro. We then began to format our text such as "Red = Good" and then after this we began to display our text on the screen and use it for the game. We then made a clipboard sized structure around our text and then edited it so it fitted perfectly.  Unity

Reading 08

 Reading 08 For this weeks reading task I wrote both the introduction and the conclusion to my topic in the chapter in the book for The Effects on Mental Health. In doing this I first read what we had to do and followed the instructions by setting up the blog that had to be done, I then went and watched the YouTube video that really helped with on how to write an Introduction and Conclusion as it mentioned using tips like "Give final thoughts and opinions" about the topic and so on. It was small little suggestions like these that really helped shape both the into and the conclusion. Intro and Conclusion I also found reading the small paragraph about 'Reading Approaches' really helpful and helped a lot towards the reading section like breaking it down and following it through on each section. This really helped shape both my introduction and my conclusion and made it a lot easier in doing so.

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting In this weeks second beginner scripting I was working on was enabling and disabling components where you can either enable or disable by simply using the enable flag. Unity

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting  For this weeks beginner scripting we worked on Vector Maths and how they are used in game development and are used in the sense of calculations and how they are being used. Unity

Project Progress

 Project Progress  For this week the project task is to write a short treatment for our game just like we did for our 3D game last semester. On my game ideas I thought of my favourite that stood out and that id like to continue with is the VR poker game.  I like the idea of my game and would like to continue working on it and keep it going and by looking up certain resources I could use such as the likes of Unity that I'll be creating it on and then hopefully using the likes of Audacity for editing. I could also use the likes of 'Stencil', 'Construct' among a few others. I also hope to use the likes of Sublime text and Microsoft Visual Studio.  What inspired me to create this game was by first thinking back and playing it with people but let's say people aren't allowed to leave their home and would still like to play and so you can play virtually with others across the world. I will continue to work on and hopefully begin starting the development of this gam...

Unity Tutorial 06

Unity Tutorial 06 In this weeks tutorial having worked on the tasks at hand I found it quite difficult and will need to work on it more. Having worked on some parts I believe that I am learning and getting nearer and nearer to completing the VR tutorials which will help in the long run with my VR project game that I have begun working on from last week. I hope to find other tutorials on unity to work on and begin to see how they can help with the project later on.   Unity

Reading and Doing

Reading and Doing From reading both peers topics on what they had chosen which was 'Console Generations / How Video Games have evolved'. In this topic I made the comments on and was really impressed at how each was interputed and where both very interesting and I learned a lot from on stuff I never knew before. While then also receiving comments on my own topic 'Effects On Mental Health' from the comments that I received I learned on what I could improve on and hon how to make my topic better and to correct the mistakes. Some mistakes included such as spelling and grammar mistakes where they found it difficult to read and hard to understand parts due to it. From these comments made on my topic I then went to the working book and made the changes that needed to be made to my topic such as spelling and so on. Effects On Mental Health

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting  Another coding task that I worked on this week was for Update and FixedUpdate where I learned about how when things change that it regularly happens here. Unity

Project Progress

 Project Progress This being the first week for the project that I will be working I first began a brainstorm of ideas of what I could do a VR game on. The first idea that came to mind was a poker game, as having a poker game with VR although it may be difficult to do I really like the idea and I believe that it can work and hope to be able to achieve it. My second idea is a fishing game or travelling game of sorts, as we know not everybody  is able to travel so imagine bringing the travel too them in their own home and being able to explore the world with your own pair of VR Headset. In this you could travel the world and explore different areas seeing at what there is, with the fishing it would be based off sorta Pokemon go in a sense being able to catch fish and having to travel to different spots being able to fish and relax. While this is only the thought process stage I am looking forward to getting started and to narrow down my ideas and get working on my idea and being...

Beginner Scripting

 Beginner Scripting  For this weeks beginner scripting I worked on awake and start and at how it can be used in your script and put into unity and an example would be the start of the game as awake would be used in that point. Unity

Tutorial 05

 Tutorial 05 While working on this weeks unity VR tutorial I ran into more problems and seem to be doing as each goes on and on and has become increasingly annoying as nothing works proper from being so old and is really frustrating at this point and feel like giving up and bothering anymore. While I managed to spend a half an hour alone on waiting for it to open I managed to get the scene in but couldn't get the cars and wonder why the VR unity tutorials are up there at all. Unity While also the tasks are a lot more difficult I honestly preferred last years unity tasks and am not looking forward to creating the VR game for this semester and know that it will create a whole load of problems ahead in the future.

Beginner Scripting

 Scope and Access Modifiers In this weeks beginner scripting task I learned about the scope and access modifiers which was interesting to learn and learned from the examples and the video with it. Unity

Beginner Scripting

 Loops In this weeks beginner scripting we learned about loops and learned about the different loops such as ForLoop, WhileLoop, DoWhileLoop and Foreachloop. I also learned at how they're used in code and can be done. Unity